
Kita adalah agensi produksi video khusus buat kamu, para konten kreator! Bareng Project Manager Pribadi dan Tim Editor Pribadi yang profesional, kita siap bantu bikin kontenmu jadi lebih keren dan pastinya sesuai ekspektasi!

A group of people is engaged in a video production setting. Two individuals in the foreground are seated; one of them is wearing a headset and holding a device with various buttons, the other appears to be observing. In the background, three other people are standing, with one person looking at a video camera setup on a tripod. The room has futuristic, minimalist decor with white walls and a large, circular light fixture on the ceiling.
A group of people is engaged in a video production setting. Two individuals in the foreground are seated; one of them is wearing a headset and holding a device with various buttons, the other appears to be observing. In the background, three other people are standing, with one person looking at a video camera setup on a tripod. The room has futuristic, minimalist decor with white walls and a large, circular light fixture on the ceiling.
Two men are engaged in a video production setting. One man operates a professional camera and monitors the footage on a screen, while the other appears to be holding a smartphone, possibly assisting or recording as well. The background features photography equipment, including a large softbox light and a tripod.
Two men are engaged in a video production setting. One man operates a professional camera and monitors the footage on a screen, while the other appears to be holding a smartphone, possibly assisting or recording as well. The background features photography equipment, including a large softbox light and a tripod.

Enaknya Kerja Bareng

Kamu bisa fokus ngonten, nggak perlu buang waktu untuk ngedit, nggak pusing mikirin editan, dan tinggal upload aja kalau vidionya udah jadi

Galeri Kreatif

Kami bantu konten kreator menghasilkan konten menarik dan unik.

Ulasan Pelanggan

Kami bangga mendapatkan umpan balik positif dari para konten kreator dan pemilik usaha.

membantu usaha saya untuk terus bisa memberikan konten ke follower, jadi keliatan hidup sosial medianya.🙏

A person in a dark suit is holding a professional video camera in a room that appears to be a studio or set. The background includes a large blue illuminated window, some furniture, and various objects such as a globe.
A person in a dark suit is holding a professional video camera in a room that appears to be a studio or set. The background includes a large blue illuminated window, some furniture, and various objects such as a globe.


Bagus sekali kerjasama dengan tim ini, karena workshop saya tidak punya tim editor, jadi saya hire studio ini dan sangat terbantu dengan hasil editannya, terimakasih👍


